Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sent Out! - Joshua 2

Now Joshua the son of Nun sent out two men from Acacia Grove to spy secretly, saying, "Go, view the land, especially Jericho" So they went, and came to the house of a harlot named Rahab, and lodged there. Joshua 2:1

What strikes me this morning is that the Lord sends out these spies into hostile territory and endangering there lives. Why are we surprised when danger or others may seek to destroy our lives? As we read of the events today where the spies are hidden, let us not forget the events of our daily lives that may appear to be dire or lost. The spies were not found, captured or killed, within this chapter they escape with their lives and better yet are able to see the promised land. Then enemy is also pursuing us in different ways but just as the Lord directed the steps of the spies we too have a helper who directs our step. My prayer for each of us is that we recognize the danger and who is pursuing us and know that God is with us. If God is with us than nothing will hinder us from entering into our destiny.

And they said to Joshua, "Truly the Lord has delivered all the land into our hands, for indeed all the inhabitants or the country are fainthearted because of us." Joshua 2:24

Why are we so surprised when life is difficult and challenging?

Go see and be reminded of the land God has given us!



Nathan said...

I like to put myself in the shoes of the spies when I read this chapter...

These guys are sneaking around this place and find a prostitute who is willing to let them lodge at her house. I can think of times in my life when I ended up some really strange situations because I said "yes" to God. "What on earth am I doing here," I can remember thinking. She basically tells them that everyone in her land has been really scared to meet the God of Israel. So the spies are like "sweet."

Then, the King sends a bunch of people after them and they get chased around the hills for the rest of the time they are there. This had to have been a pretty crazy experience.

They finally make it back to Joshua and give him the report. Based on their experience (being chased around by military men), they could have been filled with fear or complaining or a number of other negative things. But their response is like "Dude we got this." They listened to what they knew was true and didn't focus on the circumstance. I need this kind of courage and optimism in my own life. I want to be an Annihilator!

--nate dogg

Joe said...

Nice insight nate dogg but I am not to sure if they were so confident. In my observation the people of Israel shows at times incredible amounts of courage but most of the time as do others they seem to walk in fear. Joshua himself later will have to be encouraged by his own people to be strong and courageous. Nate Dogg you are an Annihilaor!

Robby said...

It's funny to me that when we hear a promise like in chapter 1:

"Every place that the sole of your fool will tread upon I have given you..."

we think that hardship or tribulation or persecution is a hindrance of that promise. But in reality I've found this to be true: That the very thing that seems contrary or in opposition or a hindrance to what God has said is going to happen, often is the very vehicle he uses to fulfill the promise. Our God doesn't play by and isn't restricted by any rules. His character defines reality. A lot of the time He uses the strangest and most unlikely things to accomplish His will: You and I (wretched sinful people), Moses (murderer with a speech impediment), David (seemingly overly confident little boy with a slingshot), Paul (Christian killer and tent maker), John the Baptist (crazy hairy dude who eats bugs who won't shut up about this Christ guy), and in this case, Rahab (harlot). We find her in the direct line of Christ and hero of faith in Hebrews. Our God is so good. Let's be encouraged through this to look at hardship as a challenge to believe that our God works all things to our good.

Jamesgrigg said...

What was so important about Jericho that he told them to especially go there? And the scarlet chord is that like saposed to represent the blood of jesus?? The chick is only helping them because shes knows the Isreal people have god and there gonna take over us so..I need to make friends with them!

Joe said...

Nice questions James, Both Jericho, the jordan and the scarlet chord represent places of death. God wanted them to come to a place of a knowledge that they would die. So they would know only life comes from Him. Jesus said whoever seeks his own life will lose it. But whoever loses his life will find it. As far as Rahab, she was behaving as a Christian should. She believed not only in God but that he had the ability to save her. Isn't that the salvation message.

Jamesgrigg said...

On snap JOE! duude The scarlet chord saved the blood of christ saved us!! So awesome!!!

Jay said...

I know the LORD has given you this land," she told them. "We are all afraid of you. Everyone in the land is living in terror. Joshua 2:9 When I read this it brought to mind that even the fear that the people were felt was sent from God. Exodus 23:27 says I will send my terror ahead of you and create panic among all the people whose lands you invade. I will make all your enemies turn and run. The Lord promised to send fear and terror into the hearts of Israels enemies. God is awesome and powerful!