Friday, May 30, 2008

Time To Go To Work

Chapter 2 in James is pretty straight forward and cuts right to the heart. So I guess the question is how dead is our faith? When was the last time you saw your faith in action. James describes faith in action as meeting peoples needs. I am actually posting in San Diego getting ready to take the kids to Sea World. This weekend is all about serving my kids. I would say it doesn't take much faith since it bring me so much joy to see them respond to Carolyn's and I weekend of focusing so much attention on just them. Isn't it true that the greatest and joys in life is when you do lay down your desires for somoene else's. I pray all of our faith is filled with acts of Love. Someone can show me some love by making a stinkin comment. Let's start making some comments because I know so many of you have unreal insight. Actually I realize so many do not know I am posting again with some kind of consistency so please pass the word. I actually had a cup of joe while I posted this evening so good. I let you know how Shamu is doing.

Smell you later,


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Good Times

Welcome to all the first timers to a cup of joe. Looking forward with great anticipation to see all the comments as we begin our time in the book of James. Last night at bible study was amazing. I was truly blessed with the discussion and even more to see everyone connecting after. Sorry to kick everyone out, but I did miss my girls, I don't know what Becky's exuse was. So much to comment from Chapter 1 and I know all of us would like to read your insight and wisdom from last night.
my comment comes from vv. 9-11.
"Let the lowly brother glory in his exaltation, but the rich in his humiliation, because as a flower of the field he will pass away."

Whether you have little or abundance now, compared to eternity it doesn't really matter. My prayer is for all of us to have abundance and walk humbly with our King. I realize that many of us do carry so many burdens and do with out, but the encouragement is even in a life filled with pain and misery one can glory in his exaltation. Nothing can be greater that recognizing our position as a child of God. So if your experiencing abundance rejoice in humility and if your facing trials and hurts rejoice in knowing that you're a child of the living God and He loves you and is preparing a place for you where there is no death, sorrow, or crying. let the post and the coffee flow.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Great Mystery

I thought I would do a random Post. I had a dream the other night and I know it was from the Lord. Sometimes people make comment about me working with kids and young adults. The comment is phrased in a way that I could be doing bigger and greater things. In my dream I was having one of these discussion and the Lord used me to bring proper perspective to a friend who was missing out on what the scriptures calls the great mystery. The Lord took me to Matt 13 about the Parable of Weeds. In my dream my friend was more interested in earthly treasures that will only pass away. I went on to share the joy that I receive when I sense the Lord using me to open the eyes to a kingdom that is not of this world. I say this to encourage whoever reads this post and is faithful sowing seeds into a kingdom that is not part of this world. You might not be understood by those who live for this world (the mystery) but you are understood and building an incredible treasure in a kingdom that is not part of this world, but is eternal.

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Matt 13:44

Be encourage and Press On