Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I thought I would share about our family vacation. It all started with a triathlon in Newport on Sept. 7th. Most races are on Sundays and me being a Pastor its difficult to participate in many races. I love racing and my goal is to race and that means that I am able to pass some people and be competetive. I do find some joy in being the heavier set guy passing all the ripped people who look like they could easily win the race. I did extremely well with the kind of fitness level I entered the race and had a great time. I did demo some Zipp racing wheels that retail well over $2500 for $30. I found it comical that I beat my swim split and run split from a few years ago and manage to ride a little slower with the so called faster bike and wheels. The lesson learned is that the wheels don't make that much difference and are not worth it. You would think I wouldn't care about owning a pair of aero wheels after my experience but I want them even more. Their lighter and I just feel faster using them. I give all the credit to experience with my faster swim split, swimming in a straight line helps tremendously and running the course before gave me an edge of how hard to run. I was in much better shape in 06 yet manage to beat my time by a few seconds. That evening we packed up and headed off to San Diego for one of our best get aways ever. I am amazed how much God blessed us and provided for us. We couldn't afford to race much this year and spend much money on a vacation with the arrival of Caden but the Lord had plans to finance one of our best vacations ever. Enough for now but it was fun to remember day 1. Smell you later.


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I no longer call you servants ... but friends

I have been wanting to post on this subject for a long time since my last post. I just taught on the words of Jesus just a few hours ago from John 15. It stems from reflecting on all those who I have served with over the years. Seeing many of you over the last few months has me missing and reflecting on you and how I consider you all my friends. For many of you I see at a distance and it brings me great joy to see you continue to in the faith. I so want to pick up the phone and call all of you. I see Jesus communicating this truth as he looks at each and everyone of us. Paul echo's his heart to remain with the churches that he has labored with over the years. I have had so many great moments with you all, and I long to spend more time with you all. So to all I have served with and continue to serve with, consider me one of your trusted friends that you can call on at any time.


Who thinks I should do the Face Book thing and what are your thoughts about it?