Monday, December 22, 2008
The Glory of the Lord
Yesterday I beleive the Lord's glory was in the theatre. I was teaching with the kids during second service when these random chimes filled the theatre. It happened about three different times and the second time I did reference the Lord's presence. After the service I was talking about it with David Armendariz who was running sound. We were trying to figure out what it was and then I told him it was the Glory of the Lord. I recognize it could have been toy or something else but the timing and the lack of a better solution suggest the Lord revealing himself. You can imagine how incredible it was for me to return that evening and worship the Lord at our Impact service. The service was incredible and filled with worship and praise. In my mind the chimes continued to ring and it is so sweet to be in the presence of the Lord. I shared with Shayne what took place and this woman of faith immediatly was bummed that she missed it. Shayne and her family are so hungry for the presence of God and welcome him into thier lives and ministry. Shayne actually led worship that morning and evening and did a great job. The Lord is real and he is revealing himself in ways to you as well, you just have to be listening. I don't think I mentioned and in fact I am reminded that I was speaking about bells ringing in response to the birth of our savior. God is so good. Jingle Bells will always be one of my favorites from now until eternity.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Angels and Helping Hands
This past sunday I worked closer with our Angels For Christ Bus ministry and Helping Hands ministry. I was humbled at how those involved serve so faithfully. Our bus ministry takes families from needy areas and brings them to church. Lydia Duncan is the leader and she does whatever it takes to get the kids to church. Erica and Steve Mcbride charged the same day working with our special needs kids. These two ministries are the hardest to find volunteers for, but in my mind are most rewarding. You have to have the heart of the father to work with someone who appears to not appreciate you. Many times you feel that your not doing much good and don't feel very fruitful. They are typically the ministries that are not talked about as much either and so today I wanted to encourage and ask you to pray the Lord will stregthen these two valuable ministries I am blessed to be a part of . Thanks,
Monday, October 20, 2008
Fight On! Dodgers! Sumo! and Tiger

I need to blog more because I have been living large and it's good to think about my blessedness. A few weeks ago Ryan Ikari invited me to join him and the USC associates at the coliseum for some tailgating in class and a great game. The best part is I am not even a hard core USC fan but after my day with the associates all I have to say is Fight On! Days later I am watching Manny and the Dodgers in the NLDS with my girls. Then minutes before I am ready to take the Sato family off my wall, the Sato family rolls in the house from hawaii and we had a great time capping the night off over at knowlwoods hangin with Ricky Lombard. Then this morning I golfed like tiger woods. I actually had one of the worst outings on the course. I want to blame it all on the fact I missed my bathroom break at hole 9 and I beleive it was snowmans across the board after that. Right now Caden is calling so I need to bail.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I thought I would share about our family vacation. It all started with a triathlon in Newport on Sept. 7th. Most races are on Sundays and me being a Pastor its difficult to participate in many races. I love racing and my goal is to race and that means that I am able to pass some people and be competetive. I do find some joy in being the heavier set guy passing all the ripped people who look like they could easily win the race. I did extremely well with the kind of fitness level I entered the race and had a great time. I did demo some Zipp racing wheels that retail well over $2500 for $30. I found it comical that I beat my swim split and run split from a few years ago and manage to ride a little slower with the so called faster bike and wheels. The lesson learned is that the wheels don't make that much difference and are not worth it. You would think I wouldn't care about owning a pair of aero wheels after my experience but I want them even more. Their lighter and I just feel faster using them. I give all the credit to experience with my faster swim split, swimming in a straight line helps tremendously and running the course before gave me an edge of how hard to run. I was in much better shape in 06 yet manage to beat my time by a few seconds. That evening we packed up and headed off to San Diego for one of our best get aways ever. I am amazed how much God blessed us and provided for us. We couldn't afford to race much this year and spend much money on a vacation with the arrival of Caden but the Lord had plans to finance one of our best vacations ever. Enough for now but it was fun to remember day 1. Smell you later.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
I no longer call you servants ... but friends
I have been wanting to post on this subject for a long time since my last post. I just taught on the words of Jesus just a few hours ago from John 15. It stems from reflecting on all those who I have served with over the years. Seeing many of you over the last few months has me missing and reflecting on you and how I consider you all my friends. For many of you I see at a distance and it brings me great joy to see you continue to in the faith. I so want to pick up the phone and call all of you. I see Jesus communicating this truth as he looks at each and everyone of us. Paul echo's his heart to remain with the churches that he has labored with over the years. I have had so many great moments with you all, and I long to spend more time with you all. So to all I have served with and continue to serve with, consider me one of your trusted friends that you can call on at any time.
Who thinks I should do the Face Book thing and what are your thoughts about it?
Who thinks I should do the Face Book thing and what are your thoughts about it?
Monday, July 28, 2008
Say Hi! to my new baby boy. These past few weeks have been pretty amazing and eventful. I think it all started after having breakfast with Kelly Slater. I went surfing with friends and sitting right next to me at the SC cafe was Kelly Slater we did the head nod thing and went on eating breakfast. A few days later, I was up at kids camp. We had something like 260 kids with another 100 leaders and God moved in everyone's life. I am so amazed how the team works together and serves the kids. A few days after camp baby Caden was born and then a few days after that we started VBS. We had something close to 200 kids and I would say it was one of our best Vacation Bible schools. MY team really stepped up and made a point for me to spend some time with Caden. A few days later Caden's birth mother wanted to spend more time with him so he was in my arms one minute and gone for a couple days. It was so difficult but God proved himself to be faithful and Caden is home now. Yesterday we launched Adventures in Science (exploring Gods miracles) and it was also a complete success. It was so great to see Matt Agosto on stage with kids. Today I'll be picking up the youth at camp and I am already hearing reports that God moved miracously. A few days from today I"ll be heading up to Lake Mead for college camp and Mike Larkin will be sharing. How cool is that and he also will be bringing his boat. A few days after that I will be directing the father son camp out and I am beleiving for great things as well. A few days after that I pray I will be off to some time away with my family and starting my vacation with a Triathlon in Newport. Sorry for not posting but how do you even keep up with a schedule like mine and report about it. When you see God move like I do, it makes complete sense to join the Angels in singing Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord.
pray for me because I am praying for you. Caden kept me up last night so I had time to get on line. Love you all.
God is good.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Life is not about me
I thought I would be in agreement with btaylor since Chapter 4 is all about a life in complete submission to God. Chapter 4 is for sure a Venti with triple shot espresso and go ahead and throw on the whip. So much that I just may spend a few days meditating on it. I'd like to comment on v.1
What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don't they come from your desires that battle within you?
I don't think we recognize that the core of issues with one another is our selfish desires. James says you want something and you don't get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want. You quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God.
I have found it to be true that when I give up my desires for His I find that my life is full of blessings and peace. All the battles in my life originate from a desire for something that is birthed from me and and not Him. James is so true when he says friendship with the world is becoming an enemy of God. James is not talking about a physical world, remember God said it was good. James is talking about the sin of the world and unfortunatly it's in our nature. When we lose our life we say no to sin and find life in Him. So today I pray that my life I live is not mine but His. The scripture also tells us that when we lose our life we find it. So I encourage you to start living for Him. v. 7 Submit yourselves then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
I wonder if resisting the devil is saying no to caffeine? Is Caffeine from the devil?
What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don't they come from your desires that battle within you?
I don't think we recognize that the core of issues with one another is our selfish desires. James says you want something and you don't get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want. You quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God.
I have found it to be true that when I give up my desires for His I find that my life is full of blessings and peace. All the battles in my life originate from a desire for something that is birthed from me and and not Him. James is so true when he says friendship with the world is becoming an enemy of God. James is not talking about a physical world, remember God said it was good. James is talking about the sin of the world and unfortunatly it's in our nature. When we lose our life we say no to sin and find life in Him. So today I pray that my life I live is not mine but His. The scripture also tells us that when we lose our life we find it. So I encourage you to start living for Him. v. 7 Submit yourselves then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
I wonder if resisting the devil is saying no to caffeine? Is Caffeine from the devil?
Monday, June 2, 2008
Thanks for the comments and insight and to everyone else I am sure you will follow. On to Chapter 3:16-18
"Choose to devote yourself fully to God rather than to your own selfish and wordly desires. Devote yourself to the Lord, and godly wisdom and righteosness will begin to grow in your life."
We cannot serve two masters. We cannot say we love and serve God and then live ungodly lives. Good works and a controlled tongue is the kind of life James is calling us to. I think today is a good day to make a new covenant with our lives and especially our tongues to please the Lord. I am sure all of us have said and did things that have caused us to stumble. The imagery that James gives of a ship being controlled by a small rudder brings insight to the messes we make in our lives. If your mouth has gotten you in trouble and steered you off direction let's point our rutters in a new direction and sail for calmer seas. Is Christianity as simple as controlling ones mouth and living a selfless life?
In Him,
"Choose to devote yourself fully to God rather than to your own selfish and wordly desires. Devote yourself to the Lord, and godly wisdom and righteosness will begin to grow in your life."
We cannot serve two masters. We cannot say we love and serve God and then live ungodly lives. Good works and a controlled tongue is the kind of life James is calling us to. I think today is a good day to make a new covenant with our lives and especially our tongues to please the Lord. I am sure all of us have said and did things that have caused us to stumble. The imagery that James gives of a ship being controlled by a small rudder brings insight to the messes we make in our lives. If your mouth has gotten you in trouble and steered you off direction let's point our rutters in a new direction and sail for calmer seas. Is Christianity as simple as controlling ones mouth and living a selfless life?
In Him,
Friday, May 30, 2008
Time To Go To Work
Chapter 2 in James is pretty straight forward and cuts right to the heart. So I guess the question is how dead is our faith? When was the last time you saw your faith in action. James describes faith in action as meeting peoples needs. I am actually posting in San Diego getting ready to take the kids to Sea World. This weekend is all about serving my kids. I would say it doesn't take much faith since it bring me so much joy to see them respond to Carolyn's and I weekend of focusing so much attention on just them. Isn't it true that the greatest and joys in life is when you do lay down your desires for somoene else's. I pray all of our faith is filled with acts of Love. Someone can show me some love by making a stinkin comment. Let's start making some comments because I know so many of you have unreal insight. Actually I realize so many do not know I am posting again with some kind of consistency so please pass the word. I actually had a cup of joe while I posted this evening so good. I let you know how Shamu is doing.
Smell you later,
Smell you later,
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Good Times
Welcome to all the first timers to a cup of joe. Looking forward with great anticipation to see all the comments as we begin our time in the book of James. Last night at bible study was amazing. I was truly blessed with the discussion and even more to see everyone connecting after. Sorry to kick everyone out, but I did miss my girls, I don't know what Becky's exuse was. So much to comment from Chapter 1 and I know all of us would like to read your insight and wisdom from last night.
my comment comes from vv. 9-11.
"Let the lowly brother glory in his exaltation, but the rich in his humiliation, because as a flower of the field he will pass away."
Whether you have little or abundance now, compared to eternity it doesn't really matter. My prayer is for all of us to have abundance and walk humbly with our King. I realize that many of us do carry so many burdens and do with out, but the encouragement is even in a life filled with pain and misery one can glory in his exaltation. Nothing can be greater that recognizing our position as a child of God. So if your experiencing abundance rejoice in humility and if your facing trials and hurts rejoice in knowing that you're a child of the living God and He loves you and is preparing a place for you where there is no death, sorrow, or crying. let the post and the coffee flow.
my comment comes from vv. 9-11.
"Let the lowly brother glory in his exaltation, but the rich in his humiliation, because as a flower of the field he will pass away."
Whether you have little or abundance now, compared to eternity it doesn't really matter. My prayer is for all of us to have abundance and walk humbly with our King. I realize that many of us do carry so many burdens and do with out, but the encouragement is even in a life filled with pain and misery one can glory in his exaltation. Nothing can be greater that recognizing our position as a child of God. So if your experiencing abundance rejoice in humility and if your facing trials and hurts rejoice in knowing that you're a child of the living God and He loves you and is preparing a place for you where there is no death, sorrow, or crying. let the post and the coffee flow.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
The Great Mystery
I thought I would do a random Post. I had a dream the other night and I know it was from the Lord. Sometimes people make comment about me working with kids and young adults. The comment is phrased in a way that I could be doing bigger and greater things. In my dream I was having one of these discussion and the Lord used me to bring proper perspective to a friend who was missing out on what the scriptures calls the great mystery. The Lord took me to Matt 13 about the Parable of Weeds. In my dream my friend was more interested in earthly treasures that will only pass away. I went on to share the joy that I receive when I sense the Lord using me to open the eyes to a kingdom that is not of this world. I say this to encourage whoever reads this post and is faithful sowing seeds into a kingdom that is not part of this world. You might not be understood by those who live for this world (the mystery) but you are understood and building an incredible treasure in a kingdom that is not part of this world, but is eternal.
The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Matt 13:44
Be encourage and Press On
The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Matt 13:44
Be encourage and Press On
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Guy Poncy - Mentor and Friend
A few days ago my mentor, friend and training partner ran into heaven. Today with family and friends we visited the site where Guy Poncy took his last steps on this earth. He was the only one who would call me "Joseph" when I needed to be corrected or pushed to become a better Christian, athlete, or leader. Here he is again pushing me to start posting again although, Dan and David have also helped in getting some more cups poured. This cup is all about Guy Poncy and I would love to hear of memories and post to honor one of the greatest men to ever walk the face of this earth. It was Guy who taught me how to ride, surf, and lead people. He was a Lt. for the Orange County Sheriffs, Coach, Teacher, Father, and husband. Pastor Rick says that if it wasn't for Guy Poncy he wouldn't be a Christian. I always felt that Uncle Guy was living the dream. Making an impact on the world while riding his bike, running the canyon's, and surfing trestles pretty much every day. I know today he is living is utmost dream in heaven with Jesus and it's because of that, I rejoice. My heart does break for all of us who are going to miss him. I know my days will forever be lived different because of him. I thank God that I have my relationships with Kristie, Tiffany and Renetta since all of them are a reflection of Guy. The only thing the girls are going to have to start doing is riding, surfing and running with me. More post to come but I wanted to pour a cup to Honor my mentor and friend Guy. Can't wait to see you my friend.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Watch, stand fast...
be brave, be strong. Let all that you do be done with love.
Apostle Paul's words from v. 13 in chapter 16. I wonder if that applies to computers. I am posting from a borrowed computer that has a busted screen so I'll have to make this short.
I have enjoyed our time in 1 Corinthians and all the input and there is talk about continuing on together. I'll let everyone know when we'll start again.
Paul's desire for them to stand fast is because the Corinthian beleivers would quickly forget the truths they knew and fall into false teaching.
He tell's them to be brave and press on. We so need to encourage one antoher to press on and be faithful. How many times have we've been filled up only to not cup back for a second or third cup. It's like a cup of coffe that has been sitting a while and has gotten cold. sometimes the waitress will come by and pour some coffee in and it refreshes the cup.
v.18 For they refreshed my spirit and yours. Therefore acknowledge such men.
All of us need a constant filling everyday so I urge us all to continue in the word daily.
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. I have nothin but love your you.
Would you like another cup...
Apostle Paul's words from v. 13 in chapter 16. I wonder if that applies to computers. I am posting from a borrowed computer that has a busted screen so I'll have to make this short.
I have enjoyed our time in 1 Corinthians and all the input and there is talk about continuing on together. I'll let everyone know when we'll start again.
Paul's desire for them to stand fast is because the Corinthian beleivers would quickly forget the truths they knew and fall into false teaching.
He tell's them to be brave and press on. We so need to encourage one antoher to press on and be faithful. How many times have we've been filled up only to not cup back for a second or third cup. It's like a cup of coffe that has been sitting a while and has gotten cold. sometimes the waitress will come by and pour some coffee in and it refreshes the cup.
v.18 For they refreshed my spirit and yours. Therefore acknowledge such men.
All of us need a constant filling everyday so I urge us all to continue in the word daily.
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. I have nothin but love your you.
Would you like another cup...
Monday, January 28, 2008
A little timeout before the post. Where did everyone go? We have two days left and I beleive each day get's better and better. I guess you all wanted to test my love for you with the 0 comments. I got nothing but love for ya especially after chapter 15
Last night Steve Fenner's Dad went to be with the Lord so in light of just praying with him I turned to Chapter 15. Steve we stand with you and pray you'll be encouraged with today's post.
Where, O death, is your victory?
Where, O death, is your sting? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
If Christ had not been raised then our faith and life would be useless. v.14 but He did raise and so will we. Steve's Dad has a new body and living in glory. The sorrow is on our side but trust me Steve's Dad is dancing and singing with the Angels.
I love the illustration of the seed in vv. 35-49. The seed never looks like the plant that sprouts. Our challenge is to not live in ignorance like the peope in Corinth were.
v. 34 Come back to our senses as you ought, and stop sinning; for there are some ignorant of God - I say this to your shame.
That's a reality check...I am from the seed of Abraham and my seed is intended for a wonderful crop.
If a seed is not watered and nurtured it can never sprout. We have some intense Miracle gro through the Cross and it's garanteed. Sprinkle some on your seed and watch the glory of the Lord sprout in your life in this life and the eternal life to come.
Good stuff.
Last night Steve Fenner's Dad went to be with the Lord so in light of just praying with him I turned to Chapter 15. Steve we stand with you and pray you'll be encouraged with today's post.
Where, O death, is your victory?
Where, O death, is your sting? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
If Christ had not been raised then our faith and life would be useless. v.14 but He did raise and so will we. Steve's Dad has a new body and living in glory. The sorrow is on our side but trust me Steve's Dad is dancing and singing with the Angels.
I love the illustration of the seed in vv. 35-49. The seed never looks like the plant that sprouts. Our challenge is to not live in ignorance like the peope in Corinth were.
v. 34 Come back to our senses as you ought, and stop sinning; for there are some ignorant of God - I say this to your shame.
That's a reality check...I am from the seed of Abraham and my seed is intended for a wonderful crop.
If a seed is not watered and nurtured it can never sprout. We have some intense Miracle gro through the Cross and it's garanteed. Sprinkle some on your seed and watch the glory of the Lord sprout in your life in this life and the eternal life to come.
Good stuff.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Ok I am not trying to be the greek scholar here but the english language just doesn't cut it when it come to describing the type of love were dealing with in chapter 13. The word agape describes a love that is based on the one who loves rather than the worthiness of the one who is loved. This type of love is not human. It is giving, selfless and expect nothing in return kind of love.
Christ died so that we might accept him. That blows my mind. If I am going to lay down my life somebody better appreciate it. But that's the point, agape love is not concerned if somebody appreciates you or what you do for them, it's unconditional. It's like me doing the cup of Joe and hoping as many people are blessed and coming along side us as we study Corinthians. The more feedback and post that come in the more motivating it is to continue on. Now if I operated out of true agape love It wouldn't matter.
I am reading Carolyn's Study bible today and it says "True love puts up with people who would be easier to give up on." If our love is directed toward other, we will rejoice in the blessings they recieve rather than the desiring those blessings for ourselves. I love to cook for people and I get more excited when others love the food, and that to me is better than eating it myself. So today it's all about being selfless with our love for others. Today were reminded not to be so easily angered and over-sensitive.
I am sensing that today some of us are experiencing some type of injustice. You might not be able to clear your name or don't know what you are supposed to do. Many times when I am experiencing gossip about me or some type of injustice I stand on v. 7
love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Many times people will ask me what am I going to do and I'll say "Love them."
Love never fails,
Christ died so that we might accept him. That blows my mind. If I am going to lay down my life somebody better appreciate it. But that's the point, agape love is not concerned if somebody appreciates you or what you do for them, it's unconditional. It's like me doing the cup of Joe and hoping as many people are blessed and coming along side us as we study Corinthians. The more feedback and post that come in the more motivating it is to continue on. Now if I operated out of true agape love It wouldn't matter.
I am reading Carolyn's Study bible today and it says "True love puts up with people who would be easier to give up on." If our love is directed toward other, we will rejoice in the blessings they recieve rather than the desiring those blessings for ourselves. I love to cook for people and I get more excited when others love the food, and that to me is better than eating it myself. So today it's all about being selfless with our love for others. Today were reminded not to be so easily angered and over-sensitive.
I am sensing that today some of us are experiencing some type of injustice. You might not be able to clear your name or don't know what you are supposed to do. Many times when I am experiencing gossip about me or some type of injustice I stand on v. 7
love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Many times people will ask me what am I going to do and I'll say "Love them."
Love never fails,
Friday, January 25, 2008
One Body
I want to point out the change in my header after reading chapter 12. A place to share life with Joe Hogan and friends. Whether you like it or not you all are a part of me. I pray you all have the same mindset with me. The proof is in chapter 11.
v.14 For in fact the body is not one member but many.
So many people just miss what spiritual gifts are about. It's not about who speaks in tongues and who doesn't. In fact the key reason the chapter is written is because the church was giving so much attention to the "tongue speakers" (greek word used in chpts 12-14 for spiritual gifts) spiritual gifts is not about who the teachers, pastors and prophets are. A good friend of mine would always tell "I'm just one beggar to another" (Sumo) All of us are one body and Christ is the head. None of us is more important than one another based on how we use spiritull gifts. All of you have used your giftings to benefit me and I thank God for the Body that I have. (you guys) You have spoke healing to me, prophesied over me, given me words of wisdom (thanks for the word Luis) and allowed the Holy Spirit(tongues) to directly pray over my life and ministries I shepherd. Some times your prayers have even laid me out on the floor (thanks alot Jacob) I can go on for days giving testimony of times you have helped me especially my administrators who come in the office (thanks Kristie, Tiff, Becky, Shayne and others) Every single one of you have given me the greatest gift of all and that is you Love Joe Hogan v. 31 Well I least I know for sure James does and if your faking it you're doing a good job. Ok now I am tearing up again.
v. 7 But the manifestation of the spirit is given to each one for the profit of all:
I am going to have to come back to this post or maybe others can continue because the dimension and reality that we are all one connected to each other is a little overwhelming to make comment at this time. I must be silent and this time.................
v.14 For in fact the body is not one member but many.
So many people just miss what spiritual gifts are about. It's not about who speaks in tongues and who doesn't. In fact the key reason the chapter is written is because the church was giving so much attention to the "tongue speakers" (greek word used in chpts 12-14 for spiritual gifts) spiritual gifts is not about who the teachers, pastors and prophets are. A good friend of mine would always tell "I'm just one beggar to another" (Sumo) All of us are one body and Christ is the head. None of us is more important than one another based on how we use spiritull gifts. All of you have used your giftings to benefit me and I thank God for the Body that I have. (you guys) You have spoke healing to me, prophesied over me, given me words of wisdom (thanks for the word Luis) and allowed the Holy Spirit(tongues) to directly pray over my life and ministries I shepherd. Some times your prayers have even laid me out on the floor (thanks alot Jacob) I can go on for days giving testimony of times you have helped me especially my administrators who come in the office (thanks Kristie, Tiff, Becky, Shayne and others) Every single one of you have given me the greatest gift of all and that is you Love Joe Hogan v. 31 Well I least I know for sure James does and if your faking it you're doing a good job. Ok now I am tearing up again.
v. 7 But the manifestation of the spirit is given to each one for the profit of all:
I am going to have to come back to this post or maybe others can continue because the dimension and reality that we are all one connected to each other is a little overwhelming to make comment at this time. I must be silent and this time.................
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
All to the Glory of God
1 cor 10:31
Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
Today I am reflecting on the whatever I do. In my life that is being a son, brother, husband, father, pastor, friend, triathlete, and founder of a cup of Joe. I do want to bring glory to God in everything I do, and yet I do find myself coming short daily. I would love ot hear comment on what brings glory to God. God is good- so if I do something that is good- it brings Him glory since he is the author of anything that is good. Let us spur one another on to good works. Lord today I want to bring you glory. Help me be sensitive to where you're working. When it comes to what I do everyday I am constantly meditating on the words Jesus spoke in John
"I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.
Father help me see what the Father is doing because that is what I must do.
The Father is working in lives all around you and he has positioned you there to bring him glory. Can you see Him. I do
I see dead people...and I see people alive in Christ...
What do you see?
Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
Today I am reflecting on the whatever I do. In my life that is being a son, brother, husband, father, pastor, friend, triathlete, and founder of a cup of Joe. I do want to bring glory to God in everything I do, and yet I do find myself coming short daily. I would love ot hear comment on what brings glory to God. God is good- so if I do something that is good- it brings Him glory since he is the author of anything that is good. Let us spur one another on to good works. Lord today I want to bring you glory. Help me be sensitive to where you're working. When it comes to what I do everyday I am constantly meditating on the words Jesus spoke in John
"I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.
Father help me see what the Father is doing because that is what I must do.
The Father is working in lives all around you and he has positioned you there to bring him glory. Can you see Him. I do
I see dead people...and I see people alive in Christ...
What do you see?
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Win Rocky!
Ok, I tear up almost everytime I see the part of the movie when Adrienne tells Rocky from the hospital bed "Win Rocky". Rocky's attitude and whole being in transformed. He is not only fighting for himself but now he fights for and with Adrienne. The music comes on and Rocky is training like a champion. Paul knew he had to discipline his body; he had to force himself to maintain he daily routine and the consistent practice needed for success.
v. 27 But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection...
Paul had the best training available but he did not assume he would persevere to the end of the race. He continued to discipline himself to fight, and to follow his call from God.
Many of you know I enjoy racing in the sport of Triathlon. Before the gun goes off I know if it's going to be a good race or a bad one based on my training leading up to the race. Lately my training has been slacking and I feel it in my workouts and in my belly. I don't consider myself a serious triathlete but I do consider myself a serious follower of Jesus Christ. If I miss more than two days working out I start going backwards in my training. Many times I have blown up in a race. Blowing up means I just can’t keep the pace I set for myself or I strained a muscle and I basically have to shut down and putt to the finish line. I have also had the days when I know that I have done the training and I know it’s going to be a great day. A serious follower of Jesus Christ is also serious about their devotions, media intake, mindset, fellowship with the body and also serious and confident in who they are in Christ.
v.26 Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus I fight: not as one who beats the air.
Today it’s all about examining our training. I know this cup of Joe has made me more confident in my walk and calling with God. I also know that I could use even more time in the word. How about you…What adjustment do you need to make in your training?
In light of this post I am inviting whoever on a run tomorrow (weds) at 7:15am from my house. We’ll go for about 6 miles and eat raw eggs after. If the post is choppy it’s because my computer keeps throwing me off the internet.
Ok, I tear up almost everytime I see the part of the movie when Adrienne tells Rocky from the hospital bed "Win Rocky". Rocky's attitude and whole being in transformed. He is not only fighting for himself but now he fights for and with Adrienne. The music comes on and Rocky is training like a champion. Paul knew he had to discipline his body; he had to force himself to maintain he daily routine and the consistent practice needed for success.
v. 27 But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection...
Paul had the best training available but he did not assume he would persevere to the end of the race. He continued to discipline himself to fight, and to follow his call from God.
Many of you know I enjoy racing in the sport of Triathlon. Before the gun goes off I know if it's going to be a good race or a bad one based on my training leading up to the race. Lately my training has been slacking and I feel it in my workouts and in my belly. I don't consider myself a serious triathlete but I do consider myself a serious follower of Jesus Christ. If I miss more than two days working out I start going backwards in my training. Many times I have blown up in a race. Blowing up means I just can’t keep the pace I set for myself or I strained a muscle and I basically have to shut down and putt to the finish line. I have also had the days when I know that I have done the training and I know it’s going to be a great day. A serious follower of Jesus Christ is also serious about their devotions, media intake, mindset, fellowship with the body and also serious and confident in who they are in Christ.
v.26 Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus I fight: not as one who beats the air.
Today it’s all about examining our training. I know this cup of Joe has made me more confident in my walk and calling with God. I also know that I could use even more time in the word. How about you…What adjustment do you need to make in your training?
In light of this post I am inviting whoever on a run tomorrow (weds) at 7:15am from my house. We’ll go for about 6 miles and eat raw eggs after. If the post is choppy it’s because my computer keeps throwing me off the internet.
Monday, January 21, 2008
My title is taken out of Numba 1's post. Nathan was commenting on his insight of not just understanding what a servant is or does but BEING a servant. We just read three chapters with some heavy knowledge about Marriage, Widows, and things offered to idols. These issues have divided friendships, churches and denominiations, I love Pauls comment concerning knowlege.
8:1 We know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but love edifies. And if anyone thinks that he knows anything, he knows nothing as he ought to know.
All of us read the scripture from a different place and a different understanding. Paul gives us understanding from the place he is coming from, and is hoping others would live where he comes from. It is found in v.6
yet for us us there is one God, the Father of whom are all things, and we for Him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and through whom we live.
He then quickly points out that everybody does not come from this place of understanding. True life comes when somoene lives from a place of love. I am not sure how well you know your abba Father Daddy. When coming from a place where all things (your marriage, relationships, your freedoms, struggles, life) are in Him. Those things (your marriage, relationships, your freedoms, struggles, life) are not issues anymore but rather just part of the way you be (live).
So today it's not what I know about my marriage, what I eat or drink that may cause other people to stumble it's who I am (Be) and like Paul, my being is through Him. It is not I who lives but Christ in me.
How is Christ going to work through me today? My prayer is that we would function out of love today and not knowledge. If you want more insight call me up and be ready to buy me a cup of joe.
Love Ya,
Hey I would love to know who still is with us after 8 days. Don't let the fear of making a comment keep you from posting. Remember knowledge puffs up. Give a shout out if you've been loving the study even though you haven't had the time to post.
8:1 We know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but love edifies. And if anyone thinks that he knows anything, he knows nothing as he ought to know.
All of us read the scripture from a different place and a different understanding. Paul gives us understanding from the place he is coming from, and is hoping others would live where he comes from. It is found in v.6
yet for us us there is one God, the Father of whom are all things, and we for Him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and through whom we live.
He then quickly points out that everybody does not come from this place of understanding. True life comes when somoene lives from a place of love. I am not sure how well you know your abba Father Daddy. When coming from a place where all things (your marriage, relationships, your freedoms, struggles, life) are in Him. Those things (your marriage, relationships, your freedoms, struggles, life) are not issues anymore but rather just part of the way you be (live).
So today it's not what I know about my marriage, what I eat or drink that may cause other people to stumble it's who I am (Be) and like Paul, my being is through Him. It is not I who lives but Christ in me.
How is Christ going to work through me today? My prayer is that we would function out of love today and not knowledge. If you want more insight call me up and be ready to buy me a cup of joe.
Love Ya,
Hey I would love to know who still is with us after 8 days. Don't let the fear of making a comment keep you from posting. Remember knowledge puffs up. Give a shout out if you've been loving the study even though you haven't had the time to post.
Friday, January 18, 2008

The reason for the day off posting is I felt a need to give some time to allow others to comment. I can't stress how encouraged I am with all the insight and emails I have been recieving, keep it up. Remember the key is to get in the word, so if you find your self away from the word, or even a little cup of Joe, don't hesitate to pour yourself another cup and jump write in.
Since this is coming from my journal you're getting my heart from Chapter 5. To be honest I have had many restless nights when believers fall into sexual immorality. It's especially difficult when kids are involved and dad had an affair. Paul gives us clear instruction how the church should deal with someone that falls in to sexual immorality.
v. 5 deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord.
Paul makes it clear that the churchs goal and always in my dealings with people who have fallen into sexual immorality is the person be restored.
The sexual offender was guilty of sin, but the whole congregation was also guilty for leaving the sin unchecked. I know of many examples of brothers in the Lord that allowed a simple wandering eye go unchecked that later led to him losing his family. I believe our sexuality is the enemies prime target to bring destruction in our lives. I pray constantly for the Lord to give me eyes only for my wife. What a good word for us to meditate on and to know, that God has given us the counsel on how we can walk in victory when it comes to our roles as husbands and wives. Hours before reading Chapter 5 I was just meditating how blessed I am to be married to Carolyn and the two beutiful girls that God has given us. If you or someone close to you has allowed some leaven(v.6) in their house either through pornography, an inappropiate relationship, or just a wondering eye lets purge it out. (v.7)
I honestly beleive that this cup of joe if received will be the most rewarding and I am going to posted a picture prove it.
I'm Out
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Got Milk!
1 cor 3:2
I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready.
What a slam! Love to here some comment on what is milk and what is solid food. Many beleive that solid food would mean the ability to debate and give commentary on scripture that is not clear in meaning. We have already discovered in chapter one and two that many beleivers in Corinth were struggling with boasting in man rather than Christ. They were struggling with Holiness and Character. They had issues with one another and were quick to judge. Solid food is loving your enemies, laying ones life down for another. Solid food is being a person of character the type of character that radiates Christ. He laid down his life for those who spat on him, cursed him, rejected him so that they might accept them. If you can lay all your dreams and passions down for the sake of loving others especially for those you just don't care for to me that is some solid food. I would rather be a person to give a cup of water to someone in need rather than give my view on end times to an audience of thousands.
v.9 For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building.
Father grant me the capacity to love others as you do. Make me a man of Character...Holiness is what I long for...
This post was filled with double shot espresso...
I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready.
What a slam! Love to here some comment on what is milk and what is solid food. Many beleive that solid food would mean the ability to debate and give commentary on scripture that is not clear in meaning. We have already discovered in chapter one and two that many beleivers in Corinth were struggling with boasting in man rather than Christ. They were struggling with Holiness and Character. They had issues with one another and were quick to judge. Solid food is loving your enemies, laying ones life down for another. Solid food is being a person of character the type of character that radiates Christ. He laid down his life for those who spat on him, cursed him, rejected him so that they might accept them. If you can lay all your dreams and passions down for the sake of loving others especially for those you just don't care for to me that is some solid food. I would rather be a person to give a cup of water to someone in need rather than give my view on end times to an audience of thousands.
v.9 For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building.
Father grant me the capacity to love others as you do. Make me a man of Character...Holiness is what I long for...
This post was filled with double shot espresso...
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Chapter 2 - A fool for You
I have been so blessed by all the responses and know there are many more setting up gmail accounts so they can comment as well. On to chapter 2
"...Natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God. For they are foolishness to him." 2 Cor 2:14
That word receive means "to welcome" this verb is not about discovering the meaning but applying the meaning in my life. A life in the spirit is very much different than living life in the natural world. Many times I have been considered a fool for Christ. I remember my co-workers and friends telling me I was gay because I hadn't kissed my girlfriend (now wife) after dating for two years. The comments and looks people made when I walked away from my career to join the ministry gave a black and white understanding of having the mindset of Christ. The natural just doesn't understand the spiritual and once you've tasted a life in the spirit that natural world will forever be tainted. The problem is my mind has been trained and programmed in the natural world. Every day my prayer is that the spirit will transform my mind so that I may know Gods good, pleasing and perfect will for my life. (Heb 12:2)
Last night we had three pit bulls in our backyard and my natural man came out. My mind told me to kill the dogs or maybe that was my spiritual man. I don't know but I do know that when the Animal Control guy came and told me that he couldn't seize the dogs we had a heated conversation. All I can think about is my kids being malled by the dogs. Later we had the Neighbors outside all fighting to get the dogs out of the community. Let me tell you if Joe Hogan from 15 years earlier would have handled the situation I probably would have been the one they would be taking away.
Paul today is addressing the way we think and my prayer for us is that we would welcome the spirit to change our thinking so we can have the mind of Christ. How about you where is their an error in your thinking or how about testimony of you being made a fool for Christ.
A Fool For Christ,
v. 16 But we have the mind of Christ.
"...Natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God. For they are foolishness to him." 2 Cor 2:14
That word receive means "to welcome" this verb is not about discovering the meaning but applying the meaning in my life. A life in the spirit is very much different than living life in the natural world. Many times I have been considered a fool for Christ. I remember my co-workers and friends telling me I was gay because I hadn't kissed my girlfriend (now wife) after dating for two years. The comments and looks people made when I walked away from my career to join the ministry gave a black and white understanding of having the mindset of Christ. The natural just doesn't understand the spiritual and once you've tasted a life in the spirit that natural world will forever be tainted. The problem is my mind has been trained and programmed in the natural world. Every day my prayer is that the spirit will transform my mind so that I may know Gods good, pleasing and perfect will for my life. (Heb 12:2)
Last night we had three pit bulls in our backyard and my natural man came out. My mind told me to kill the dogs or maybe that was my spiritual man. I don't know but I do know that when the Animal Control guy came and told me that he couldn't seize the dogs we had a heated conversation. All I can think about is my kids being malled by the dogs. Later we had the Neighbors outside all fighting to get the dogs out of the community. Let me tell you if Joe Hogan from 15 years earlier would have handled the situation I probably would have been the one they would be taking away.
Paul today is addressing the way we think and my prayer for us is that we would welcome the spirit to change our thinking so we can have the mind of Christ. How about you where is their an error in your thinking or how about testimony of you being made a fool for Christ.
A Fool For Christ,
v. 16 But we have the mind of Christ.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Journal Entry One - What a Mess!
Welcome to all who will be joining me in my time in 1 Corinthians. The whole idea is us reading the Word and sharing life together.
Chapter 1
Yes the Corinthian church was a mess. They failed to protect themselves from the culture of the city. The letter was written to respond to divisions in the church, their desire to sue each other, sexual immorality and people really just didn't trust each other any more. What blows my mind is how Paul addresses the church in verse 2. those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all who in every place on the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours:
Can't believe with all the goings on in the church we are still called saints. We can boast and get caught up in all that is destructive in our lives or in the church or we can choose to boast in who we are in Christ Jesus. Paul ends chapter one with this statement.
...He who glories (boast), let him glory (boast) in the Lord."
Based on what I read today how will I be changed?
Even though myself and the church is far from the goal of holiness, I position myself to be set apart and like Paul boast in the Lord who is at work in me and those around me.
Paul in v. 10 pleaded with the church to have the same unity and mind toward one another. A simple I'm in agreement post would be encouraging I believe to all of us that stand on this axiom.
The young adults are starting a verse by verse study in 1 Corinthians this Tuesday. Now that was a good cup of Joe. mmmm. Feel free to comment on anything in chapter 1.
Chapter 1
Yes the Corinthian church was a mess. They failed to protect themselves from the culture of the city. The letter was written to respond to divisions in the church, their desire to sue each other, sexual immorality and people really just didn't trust each other any more. What blows my mind is how Paul addresses the church in verse 2. those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all who in every place on the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours:
Can't believe with all the goings on in the church we are still called saints. We can boast and get caught up in all that is destructive in our lives or in the church or we can choose to boast in who we are in Christ Jesus. Paul ends chapter one with this statement.
...He who glories (boast), let him glory (boast) in the Lord."
Based on what I read today how will I be changed?
Even though myself and the church is far from the goal of holiness, I position myself to be set apart and like Paul boast in the Lord who is at work in me and those around me.
Paul in v. 10 pleaded with the church to have the same unity and mind toward one another. A simple I'm in agreement post would be encouraging I believe to all of us that stand on this axiom.
The young adults are starting a verse by verse study in 1 Corinthians this Tuesday. Now that was a good cup of Joe. mmmm. Feel free to comment on anything in chapter 1.
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