Saturday, March 10, 2007

Riding With Peter Reid

The title is correct! I rode with Peter Reid today. Peter is a 3X Ironman Champion and arguably the best Triathlete of all time. I was a little nervous and had to remind myself several times that is was all happening. He is sponsored by Specialized which has a shop down the street from my house. It was supposed to be a moderate 30+ mile ride to hang with Peter but that didn't last very long. Twenty miles into the ride when it was time to turn back, all the club riders wanted to ride through the canyon. I had a choice to turn back or go with the big boys. Peter decided to go with the big boys so I seized the day. The paced took off as soon as the light turned green and I was in the thick of it. I was determined not to get dropped and glad to say that I was hangin but seriously workin. A couple of us got dropped when we hit the heavy climbing but we were able to regroup on top. Peter though now retired was working effortlessly and I was blown away. He is a pretty laid back guy and we talked about all kinds of stuff. I also met a guy who is starting a Triathlon Team at CSUF. I started prayin throughout the ride and had all kinds of opportunities to build some relationships that I know were by assignment. God is so good and I look forward to building on the relationship I made today.

At the the end of the ride I hung out and Peter did a seminar and gave us all some good wisdom. We ended up doing fifty plus miles of hard fast climbing. I am still on adrenaline and feel no pain. I am pretty stoked on my training these past few weeks and having a blast. Smell you later.


1 comment:

:) said...

Hey Joe,

Thanks for the comment and concern. Work just took over my life for a bit and I just got back from a much needed vacation...

Will be posting again soon!
