A few days ago my mentor, friend and training partner ran into heaven. Today with family and friends we visited the site where Guy Poncy took his last steps on this earth. He was the only one who would call me "Joseph" when I needed to be corrected or pushed to become a better Christian, athlete, or leader. Here he is again pushing me to start posting again although, Dan and David have also helped in getting some more cups poured. This cup is all about Guy Poncy and I would love to hear of memories and post to honor one of the greatest men to ever walk the face of this earth. It was Guy who taught me how to ride, surf, and lead people. He was a Lt. for the Orange County Sheriffs, Coach, Teacher, Father, and husband. Pastor Rick says that if it wasn't for Guy Poncy he wouldn't be a Christian. I always felt that Uncle Guy was living the dream. Making an impact on the world while riding his bike, running the canyon's, and surfing trestles pretty much every day. I know today he is living is utmost dream in heaven with Jesus and it's because of that, I rejoice. My heart does break for all of us who are going to miss him. I know my days will forever be lived different because of him. I thank God that I have my relationships with Kristie, Tiffany and Renetta since all of them are a reflection of Guy. The only thing the girls are going to have to start doing is riding, surfing and running with me. More post to come but I wanted to pour a cup to Honor my mentor and friend Guy. Can't wait to see you my friend.